
Here, we demonstrate the presence of a number of lectins in the basidiomycete mushroom Clitocybe nebularis

 Glucose-, galactose-, sucrose-, lactose-, and Sepharose-binding lectins were isolated from fruiting bodies using affinity chromatography on Sepharose-immobilized sugars or on Sepharose. The lectins were characterized biochemically and their binding specificities examined by agglutination and agglutination inhibition assays.. In addition, insecticidal and anti-nutritional properties of the lectins were studied against a model organism, fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), and Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).. Of the several basidiomycete mushrooms screened, C.. nebularis extract showed the most potent insecticidal activity.. Sucrose-binding lectin showed the strongest activity against D.. melanogaster, followed by lactose- and galactose-binding lectins.. Feeding bioassays with Colorado potato beetle revealed that C.. nebularis extract exhibited high anti-nutritional activity against the insect; and of those tested, only lactose-binding lectin, named CNL showed the effect.. Mushroom C.. nebularis is shown to be rich in a variety of lectins with versatile biological activities, including insecticidal and anti-nutritional effects.. C.. nebularis lectins could thus have potential for use as natural insecticides.. An improved permeabilization protocol for oduction of peptides into cardiac myocytes.. Application to protein kinase C research.. We have developed an improved, less disrupti cedure for the transient permeabilization of neonatal cardiac myocytes using saponin.. The method allows delivery of peptides to a high percentage of cells in culture without effects on long-term cell viability.. Permeation was confirmed microscopically by cellular uptake of a fluorescently labeled peptide and biochemically by uptake of cells.. The intracellular molar concentration of the introduced peptide was permeabilization on spontaneous, phorbol ester-modulated, or norepinephrine-modulated contraction rates.. Similarly, the expression of c-fos permeabilization) were not altered by saponin permeabilization.. Finally, permeabilization of cells in the presence of a protein kinase C pseudosubstrate peptide, but not a control peptide, inhibited phorbol ester-induced methodology for the introduction of peptides into neonatal cardiac myocytes that allows study of their actions without substantial compromises in cell integrity.. Japan.. To establish the most suitab re for l er preservation, we preserved and investigated, biochemically, the proton ATPase activity, ATP metabolites in mitochondria, and phosphatidyl-choline hydroperoxide (PC-OOH) in liver tissue.. degree C showed the best results.. The total adenine nucleotide (TAN) in livers changes in PC-OOH concentration at various temperatures were not significant for any length of preservation time.. In light microscopical examinations, there were no morphological changes in the hepatocytes.. From these results, we conclude Albumin is a major protein component of tr tubule vesicles isolated from skeletal muscle.. Despite multiple procedures used to isolate erse tubule vesicles from rabbit skeletal muscle, few proteins have been identified and shown to be specific to transverse tubule vesicles.. Markers for purified transverse tubules have included high affinity dihydropyridine binding, cholesterol content, Despite these markers, few proteins from purified transverse tubules can be unequivocally identified using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).. In this report we have biochemically and immunologically identified rabbit albumin as a major component of purified transverse tubule membranes from rabbit skeletal muscle.. Albumin composed based on scans of SDS-PAGE.. Furthermore, albumin and other serum proteins are present in preparations of transverse tubules and triads but not in light sarcoplasmic reticulum.. Extraction of triads with low concentrations of saponin or sodium dodecyl sulfate completely removes albumin without removing intrinsic membrane proteins.. Our results suggest that albumin and other serum proteins are present in the lumen of preparations of transverse tubules and albumin may be used as a marker for the transverse tubules when analyzed on SDS gels.. Major histocompatibility complex class I m of nonhuman primates.. The usefulness of nonhuman primates in immun ally relevant research has until now been limited by difficulties in characterizing the major histocompatibility (MHC) gene products of these species.. We have now biochemically characterized the MHC-encoded class I molecules from four different species of nonhuman primates using antibodies directed against human demonstrated the functional relevancy of this technique of MHC typing by generating virus-specific cytotoxic T cells and assaying their cytotoxic activity against a panel of virus-transformed cells that expressed the same or differing class I structures.. Only virus-infected cell lines expressing MHC class I antigens identical to those of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte population useful in immunological research involving nonhuman primates and in nonhuman primate colony management.. Brain neurotransmitters in dystonia muscul ormans.. Hornykiewicz O, Kish SJ, Becker LE, Farley I, Sh nak K.. aloe emodin structure examined histologically and biochemically the rains of two patients with generalized childhood-onset dystonia musculorum deformans.. We found no important histologic changes in the basal ganglia, cerebral cortex, higher brain-stem nuclei, locus ceruleus, or raphe nuclei.. Similarly, the activity of choline acetyltransferase and the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamic acid in the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia were within the control range.. In contrast, the norepinephrine concentrations were markedly and consistently decreased in the lateral and posterior hypothalamus, mamillary body, subthalamic nucleus, and locus ceruleus.. The serotonin level was subnormal in the dorsal raphe nucleus, as was the dopamine level in the nucleus accumbens and, in one of the two cases, in the striatum.. Elevated concentrations of norepinephrine were found in the septum, thalamus, colliculi, red nucleus, and dorsal raphe nucleus; of serotonin, in the globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, and locus ceruleus; and nuclei raphe centralis inferior and obscurus.. The level of homovanillic acid showed little consistent change in the regions examined.. We conclude that some of these monoamine changes, especially the pronounced apparent disturbance of noradrenergic brain mechanisms, may represent a basic neurochemical abnormality in dystonia musculorum deformans and may thus be relevant to the pathoneurophysiology and treatment of this disorder.. Comparisons of the chondroitin sulphate le orthodontically moved canines and the clinical outcomes between two different force magnitudes.. Krisanaprakornkit S.. The aims of this study ere to compare the cho itin sulphate (CS) levels in orthodontic force, and to compare the rate of tooth movement and the amount of orthodontic treatment with first premolar extractions, were recruited.. The force with Periopaper(®) strips before and during orthodontic tooth movement.. Competitive ELISA with monoclonal antibody was used to measure the CS levels.. The distance of tooth movement and the amount of pain assessed by visual analog scale (VAS) scores were evaluated.. The medians of CS levels during the loaded period were significantly greater than those during the unloaded period (P < significant difference in the rates of canine movement between these two force difference in biochemically-assessed bone remodelling activity, the same rate of tooth movement, reduced pain and better comfort.. Colorimetric inorganic pyrophosphate assay double cycling enzymatic method.. Ohshima T, Sakuraba H.. Thermotoga maritima s biochemically characte d with the aim of establishing a colorimetric assay for inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi).. When heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, T.. maritima PPDK (TmPPDK) was Buy now showed very long-term stability at low temperature: full activity successfully applied to a novel colorimetric PPi assay, which employed (i) a PPi cycling reaction using TmPPDK and nicotinamide mononucleotide cycling reaction to accumulate reduced nitroblue tetrazolium (diformazan).. This measurement of PPi levels in PCR products in an automatic clinical analyzer..

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